New Digital Banking—Coming Soon! Digital Banking is currently unavailable while we finalize a new Digital Banking experience as part of our systems integration. We will email you after the new platform is live for you to explore the new features and functionality. In the meantime, visit our website to learn more about what to expect and how you can prepare for a smooth transition.
董事会的职责是广泛的, requiring a prudent, responsible, and thoughtful commitment to
监督安全和健康, risk management, operations, performance, 以及信用社的战略方向.
其他小组委员会侧重于政策, community contributions, environmental concerns, and more also
Art Woolf 他在康奈尔大学获得本科学位,并获得博士学位.D. 1980年从威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得经济学学位. He was a member of the Economics Department faculty at UVM from 1980 until his retirement in 2019. 1988年,他被马德琳·库宁州长任命为国家经济学家, 他在1991年任期结束前一直担任该职位. 他是佛蒙特州政府最后一位担任该职位的人. He co-published The Vermont Economy Newsletter from 1991 through 2015 and wrote a weekly column on the Vermont economy for the Burlington Free Press from 2011 to 2018. 2019年,他开始为VTDigger撰写定期专栏.org. 1999年,他创立了佛蒙特州经济教育委员会, an organization that helps Vermont teachers incorporate economics and personal finance into their classrooms and since 2002 he has been on the teaching faculty of the Foundation for Teaching Economics. 阿特喜欢住在他位于韦斯特福德占地140英亩的木屋里, where he has lived with his wife, Celeste Gaspari, since 1982. 他们有两个成年的孩子,唉,他们不住在佛蒙特州.
Spencer Newman 是绿山洞察的总裁, a financial and strategic planning firm that helps mission-focused Vermont businesses grow and prosper in their communities. Several of Spencer’s clients have transformed from start-up businesses to employing hundreds of people, 为员工提供稳定的工作和良好的工资. Spencer also serves on Governor Scott’s Strategic Planning Team and was chair of the Burlington Electric Board for five years, 在此期间,这座城市100%由可再生能源供电. Spencer has an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management and a BA from Tufts University. 他与妻子和两个十几岁的孩子住在伯灵顿, and enjoys skiing, hiking, 烹饪和生活在佛蒙特州.
Kathleen S. Emery-Ginn has served as a NEFCU board member for the last 11 years and currently is the Senior Warden at St. 纽约埃塞克斯的约翰圣公会教堂. Her professional career was rooted at IBM where she began as a DRAM circuit designer in 1982 and held various roles throughout her career primarily in development, manufacturing, and business. 她管理多个业务部门,并与苹果等客户密切合作, Nintendo, and Sony as part of expanding networking applications into gaming and consumer segments. 在与IBM首席执行官就各种技术战略决策密切合作之后, 她于2011年从IBM退休,担任IBM副总裁.
Frank Harris 是一位退休的信息技术(IT)管理专业人士. During his career he served as Senior Director of IT Infrastructure for Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. (前身为绿山咖啡烘焙公司). Prior to that he held a number of positions at Fletcher Allen Health Care (now UVM Medical Center), 最近的职位是信息服务副总裁. Frank was a member of the Vermont Healthcare Credit Union’s Board of Directors for seven years prior to its merger with NEFCU, 包括四年的董事会副总裁. 1996年起担任东北财经大学信息技术委员会主席.
Mike Hogan 最近从佛蒙特州退休,结束了30年的工作. He served the last 17 years of his career as commissioner for the Department of Liquor Control. Mike has been a VSECU member for three decades and has found it easier to shoulder life’s demands with the help of the credit union’s services. Mike and his wife Mary Ellen live in rural Cabot and enjoy raising a few Black Angus cows, 骑自行车,在社区的小路上跑步. Mike is currently a member of the Cabot Select Board and has served in various offices in his town. 他是一位热心的历史读者,在他的教堂里很活跃.
Julie Lineberger 他领导着位于佛蒙特州南部的Wheel Pad L3C和LineSync Architecture LTD. Her focus is on social responsibility at all levels, gaining B Corp certification for her businesses. 她定期就企业管理的各个方面发表演讲并提供咨询. Julie’s previous career in International Development included managing and/or participating in projects for the United Nations Development Program, 国际救援委员会, 以及联合国难民事务高级专员办事处. 来自加州, Julie is bilingual (Spanish), 并拥有通信学士学位 & 加州大学社会学, San Diego, 获得哈佛大学教育学硕士学位.
Stephanie Meunier 目前担任NEFCU董事会成员, 他最初于2021年当选为VSECU董事会成员. She is a seasoned human resource strategist with experience in performance improvement, growth, strategy, optimization, 不同行业的领导力发展和员工敬业度, 无论是大型企业还是中后期创业公司. 作为通用的前任人力资源总监, she managed organizational change and culture through several periods of transformative business growth. She is a Leadership Champlain Graduate and Alumni and has served as a volunteer Community Advisor and Panel Facilitator with Essex Restorative & Community Justice.
Meg H. O’Donnell is an attorney by profession, 自1988年以来一直在佛蒙特州生活和工作, 当她从纽约市搬到这里,担任大法官欧内斯特·W. 佛蒙特州最高法院的吉布森三世. 她当完书记员后在伯灵顿当了几年律师, 1992年底离开,成为佛蒙特州卫生保健管理局的律师. 梅格在接下来的七年里为管理局及其继任者工作, the Division of Health Care Administration (part of the former Department of Banking, Insurance, 证券及卫生保健管理局, 帮助制定卫生政策和监督项目. 梅格后来担任政府主管 & Community Relations and Assistant General Counsel at the UVM Medical Center until her retirement in 2018.
George Sales 是一家小型企业,也是圣. Johnsbury. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) whose clients and work experiences include the University of Massachusetts Medical School, ACCD-State of Vermont, M&T银行,国土安全部,联邦应急管理局和世界银行. He holds a Master of International Management (MIM) from Thunderbird School of Global Management, 凯斯西储大学MBA学位, 在乔治梅森大学获得文学学士学位.
Amy Vaughan has served as a NEFCU board member for the last four years and previously served on the credit union’s Supervisory Committee from 2017 to 2022. She has worked at the University of Vermont Medical Center since 2001 and is currently the University of Vermont Health Network Vice President of Revenue Finance & Reimbursement. In this role, Amy leads a team of finance professionals responsible for various functions in healthcare finance and revenue cycle across the six-hospital system in Vermont and upstate New York.
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每月第三个星期三在东北财经大学行政办公室举行, 位于南伯灵顿科技园路88号.
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